Thank You for Supporting Trees Foundation!
We rely on the generous support of our readers to fund our work. Trees Foundation provides services to a network of over forty grassroots partner groups that are leading community-based efforts in healthy land stewardship throughout California’s Redwood Coast.
Your donation enables us to continue supporting our partner groups, publish the Forest & River News magazine, and help create a more fire safe and ecologically balanced future for Northern California communities. Trees Foundation collaborates on large-scale restoration and land stewardship projects across the region, yet remains a small organization that feels the direct impact of your gift.
You can donate online at:
or mail your tax-deductible gift to:
Trees Foundation
439 Melville Rd. Garberville, CA 95542
We offer the option of physical or email subscriptions to Forest & River News. You can choose your preference on our website at
or email us at [email protected] if you would like to update your preference.
Also, we encourage those of us who are growing more mature (older) to think about considering a “legacy giving” donation from your estate upon your passing. You can consult with your legal advisor or our financial director if you need help with this.
We’d love to hear from you!
It’s hard to operate in a vacuum. We’d love to hear from our readers. What do you like (or even don’t like) about our newest issue.
You can write us by snail mail. Or leave comments or letters at our website and we will reprint what we can.
Also, if you have a good story to tell connected with those trying to care for our environment or photo or drawing, please contact us and we will try to include in our next issue. (We encourage the work of younger ones!)
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to
Bill Graham Memorial Foundation for their generous ongoing support of Forest & River News.
Cereus Fund for all the years of support and whose endowment gave us the courage to proceed in this expansion!
“Without Love in the Dream, it Will Never Come True”