Mattole Salmon Group

Mattole Salmon Group

Mattole Salmon Group (MSG)

Mattole Salmon Group (MSG): The Mattole Salmon Group works to restore native salmon populations to self-sustaining levels in the Mattole watershed. MSG has been monitoring salmonid populations in the watershed for over 40 years. This includes adult spawner surveys, juvenile surveys, and our popular summer steelhead dive. We also conduct habitat restoration projects and population support efforts such as rescue relocation of stranded salmonids during low-flow or drought periods.Formed by citizens in the Mattole region in 1980, the first watershed-wide, entirely citizen-run effort in the Pacific Northwest to begin restoring native salmon runs. Over the years MSG has released more than 400,000 juvenile salmon into the Mattole River and its tributaries. MSG’s programs include direct enhancements such as a hatchbox program and “rescue rearing,” habitat restoration, monitoring and research, and community education and outreach.

Founded 1980
Contact: Richard Sykes
[email protected]

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