Pathways to Fire Resilience Webinar


Watch the recording on YouTube

How do we make our rural communities better prepared for wildfire? What resources and plans can support the safety of our firefighters, citizens, and homes? The following speakers will cover these topics and more, and are prepared to answer your questions!

Pathways to Fire Resilience Panelists included:

Ali Freedlund, Trees Foundation Board member and Working Lands Human Communities Program Director, Mattole Restoration Council & Lower Mattole Fire Safe Council

Kai Ostrow, Captain, Briceland Volunteer Fire Department; Southern Humboldt Prescribed Burn Association

[NOTE: Kai was not able to attend, Cybelle Immitt joined the panel discussion as a substitute.]

Margo Robbins, Executive Director, Cultural Fire Management Council

Lenya Quinn-Davidson, Trees Foundation Board member; Area Fire Advisor, University of California Cooperative Extension; Director, Northern California Prescribed Fire Council

Tim Bailey, The Watershed Center

Will Harling, Director, Mid Klamath Watershed Council; Co-lead, Western Klamath Restoration Partnership