Volunteer Stewardship Continues on the Lost Coast
Friends of the Lost Coast
Friends of the Lost Coast is committed to inspiring a passion for nature and connecting our local communities with meaningful experiences in the amazing public lands of the Lost Coast. We offer volunteer stewardship opportunities that connect local people to hands-on experiences working in our public lands.
Last December, Friends of the Lost Coast and our partners at Sanctuary Forest and California State Parks organized a volunteer stewardship work party to remove invasive French broom. We worked at the Jones Beach headland in the Sinkyone Wilderness State Park. Fifteen volunteers participated. We spent three hours wielding weed wrenches to pull French broom at a safe social distance, with everyone wearing a protective facemask. The wind-swept headland and waves of the Pacific Ocean formed a fabulously scenic backdrop for our work.
We will be back pulling broom at Jones Beach again on Saturday, April 10. RSVP is required for anyone who wants to come out and participate. Please contact: [email protected] if you would like to attend.
In February, Friends of the Lost Coast and our partners at the Bureau of Land Management’s King Range National Conservation Area office held a volunteer stewardship workday at two sites in Shelter Cove: Black Sands Beach and the Cape Mendocino Lighthouse at Mal Coombs Park. At Black Sands Beach, volunteers came to help maintain the native plant garden at the parking area overlook. At Mal Coombs Park, volunteers and BLM staff worked to pull and remove invasive, non-native iceplant. It was a beautiful albeit at times windy day to work in Shelter Cove. A tremendous amount of work got done and a great time was had by all!
We will be hosting additional Shelter Cove volunteer stewardship workdays on the fourth Sunday of every month. Due to COVID-19 safety measures, RSVP for these events is required. To RSVP, or for more information, email: [email protected].
Our Lost Coast Education Center Native Plant Garden Volunteer Work Parties will continue throughout 2021, occurring on the first Thursday and the third Sunday of every month. To RSVP for a work party, or for more information on the garden and our native plant nursery, email: [email protected].
Want to get involved? You can, it’s easy! Friends of the Lost Coast now has an online events calendar on our website with all the dates, times, and information you will need to join us in experiencing and stewarding our Lost Coast public lands. Our calendar is continually updated with new events and programs for 2021. All you need to do to get involved is to check out our online events calendar at: lostcoast.org/events/.
Come out and join us in 2021 and experience the feeling of satisfaction that comes from discovery and learning about the natural wonders of this place we call home. Public lands are all of our lands. There is no better way to capture the feeling of making these lands your lands than by getting involved in their maintenance and stewardship!
For more information: lostcoast.org